
Sunday, June 5, 2016

Growing up in a Grimm World

Growing Up Grimm World

The teaser trailer for Beauty and the Beast just released, and of course, I was excited. Ecstatic even. I mean, to be completely honest, there was a mix of feelings. I love Disney and was raised watching it. Beauty and the Beast was always my favorite followed by The Little Mermaid and Aladdin. But, with all these live action movies coming out, I had convinced myself that I would be Belle. (Yes, that was unreasonable thinking. I knew it. I just didn't want to believe it.) Let's be real, Emma Watson is going to do a way better job than I could ever do.

Then it got me to thinking- Why are fairy tales so important to many of us? Is this leading to unrealistic expectations about life? In what way? (And so falling in the black hole began.)

Let's take a step back and ask what it would be like if children grew up on Grimm instead of Disney?

The Brothers (Jacob and Wilhelm) Grimm compiled and wrote down the tales that they heard, which became Grimm's Fairy Tales, which some have been adapted to become cleaner versions of our beloved fairy tales we grew up on.

So, what do we think and what can we learn from these fairy tales? I decided to go over just three of them. If I went through each Grimm tale that became a Disney movie, we would be here all day.

SNOW WHITE (Little Snow-White)-
Snow White
My beautiful sister donning her old Snow White Halloween costume for me.

Snow White is a classic. Not one of my top favorites, but still good. *cough* My sister's favorite and she had the costume to match. *cough*

I feel like the Disney version and Grimm's version are very similar. Grimm's is less about the dwarves and more about the fact that Little Snow-White is way too trusting. To be honest, a pretty good lesson to know. To continue:

  • I wish I had animals who helped me clean.
  • I wish I liked cleaning in general.
  • Men will flock to you if you just sing. And vice versa.
  • Dancing can always make you feel better.
  • A kiss will bring you back from death.
  • Always be hopeful.
  • Sometimes one has to go to the end of the world to find their love.
  • Why does a dwarf have a bed that's too long for Little Snow-White?
  • Friends can come quickly and in many forms.
  • I eat human hearts! -Queen
  • It took you three times to kill her properly and you didn't even succeed then.
  • How can you make only half an apple poisonous?
  • You can still wake up after choking to death on a poisoned apple.
  • She decides to be with a man who wanted to watch after her beautiful, dead body.
  • Revenge is sweet in the form of iron hot slippers.
Grimm Snow White
A Grimm version of Snow White.

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (The Singing, Soaring Lark [The Lady & The Lion])-
As I mentioned before, my favorite!
I had never read the Grimm version before and I think I prefer it to Disney's adaptation. It was a true love story about never giving up on your true love and believing in them and I was like, "WOW."

  • Even after arguing, your father will let you take his place.
  • But, maybe a huge castle will make you feel better.
  • Hospitality is key.
  • Belle's two elder sisters didn't matter to even be a part of this.
  • "Control your temper." -Mrs. Potts and Lumiere
  • Sometimes love takes time.
  • Friends can give good advice that should be taken.
  • Maybe when somebody tells you to stay out of the west wing, you stay out of it.
  • Don't judge a book by its cover. (Sometimes a witch will change you to look like your monstrous insides, however).
  • But, that doesn't mean that people can't change.
  • Harming your enemies is pointless. 

  • No matter how much your father loves you, he will throw you to the lions, literally.
  • Maybe don't ask your dad to bring you back a bird that's hard to find. 
  • Being lion by day and man by night didn't stop their love from blooming.
  • He risked being turned into a dove to attend her sister's wedding-and then turned into a dove.
  • Their love was so strong that she followed this dove for seven years.
  • Never give up.
  • Always look out for deception.
  • Sometimes things aren't as they seem.
Grimm Belle Beauty and the Beast
A Grimm version of Belle. (Photo taken by Snow White)

This is one of the more recent Disney adaptations that have come out. I mean, it was 2010...but it feels like just yesterday. That makes me feel old.. Both versions of this show true love in a fairy tale at its finest.

  • That's some magical hair!
  • People can be selfish and covet that which isn't their's.
  • Adults can lie.
  • A frying pan can make a good weapon, if needed.
  • Everybody has dreams.
  • Some parents will never stop trying to find their child.
  • Sometimes priorities change for the better.
  • Never stop fighting for the one you love.
  • All for woman empowerment!
  • True love can be seen in the form of sacrificing oneself (which shouldn't be taken lightly).

  • Like in Beauty and the Beast, your dad will make a deal that you weren't a part of.
  • Why exile your "daughter" to the desert?
  • Watch out for thorns.
  • Sometimes you have to go through a lot, before finding your happy ending.
  • Even through all the setbacks, true love will always find each other.

So, all around I saw that violence is a lot more cruel and brutal in the Grimm version. Now, I would say it isn't that bad from what children watch nowadays. Then we can get into the whole controversy about desensitization and whatnot. Maybe another time. This is supposed to be fun!

What we all learned from Disney? That singing is the way to anybody's heart, obviously.

But, in all seriousness, a lot can be learned from both Disney and Grimm. Different lessons can be learned from each version. I was looking into whether it would be better for kids to be reading Grimm rather than watching Disney. But, in all honesty, I think incorporating both could be beneficial. It's fun, romantic, and there's so much to learn-even if some of it is silly!

Here's to Happily Ever Afters!


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