
Monday, October 31, 2016

An Orchard Adventure: Adults in Pumpkinland

Orchard Adventure Adults Pumpkinland

Winter seems fast approaching, so let's enjoy fall while we can. Even though the weather was cloudy and there was a chance of rain, I decided to go to an orchard for that good ol' fall experience. Let's be honest, I don't think I've been to one for like fifteen years. Wow, that makes me sound old. But, anyway, since apple picking seems to be over with and we are getting into the Halloween/Thanksgiving spirit, pumpkins are where it's at.

I went to the orchard with my sister and her boyfriend. Wondering if we were going to feel awkward without any children by our side, we entered.

We were glad to go during the weekday since it wasn't go busy. Downside: they only had some things open on the weekend. However, we still ended up being there for several hours.

Orchard Entrance Sign

There were so many cute set-ups involving pumpkins, flowers, or both, that I stopped to take more pictures than I would like to admit. I'm sure Shelby and Justin started getting annoyed with me (even though they didn't outright say so) but I couldn't help myself. And I'm so thankful for that and them for inviting me along on this little adventure.
Pumpkins Mums Hay Orchard
Bike Flowers Orchard

Pumpkins Hay Orchard
Onto the cute, little animals. Well, horses aren't little, but they are still beautiful creatures who seemed to pose for my picture below. As well as the goat sticking out his tongue below. I'm so glad to have caught that moment at just the perfect time. In between taking photos, I was petting and feeding the goats, whom were pretty greedy. The baby goats were the cutest and who wouldn't want to take one home with them? Just for a small bit, at least. An activity to be enjoyed by both children and adults.

Horses Orchard

Feeding Goats Orchard

Silly Goat Orchard

Next, we went to the corn pool. Yes, it was probably aimed at children, but it was actually deeper and bigger than I expected. The mother with her child playing probably wondered why we were there, but we never got to play in one of these when we were kids, so why should we deny ourselves this experience? Plus, it was a lot of fun. Can't you see the childlike joy on our supposed to be adult faces?

Corn Pool Orchard

While we walked along, we came along children storybook set-ups, which made me so happy. I'm so glad that my sister, Shelby and her boyfriend, Justin, are willing to pose for me. We may have looked silly and ridiculous to the on-lookers, but I think it makes the experience more fun. There were several around, like Goldilocks and the Three Bears and the old woman in who lived in a shoe, but my favorites would have had to be The Three Little Pigs and Alice in Wonderland.

Straw House Orchard

Stick House Orchard
Brick House Orchard
Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Orchard

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Orchard

See what I mean about attention to detail? Love it!

Near the main building, they had some pumpkins for those who didn't want to make the trip to the patch, along with some acorn squash and other gourds. We picked up a few gourds in this area after we came back from the patch, which was good because that would have been a lot to carry!

Acorn Squash Orchard

Gourds Orchard

This is the interior of the main building where you enter to get to the rest of the orchard and where you go back through to checkout before leaving.
It's such a cute set-up! They were selling fudge, which as tempted as I was, I stayed away from. Is there regret there? Probably. They had so many things available besides apples, like jellies, salsa, turnovers, and so much more. I should probably get out more and I wouldn't get excited over these little things.

Orchard Shops Fudge Caramel ApplesBrown House Pink Shutters Orchard Interior
Preserves Jellies Orchard

We settled on apple cider slushees as we walked around, which may have not been the best idea. As delicious as they were, it was a bit chilly outside and the weather and the drink kind of clashed with one another. Plus, I didn't wear a jacket, so that was another hit against me. My sister was a bit smarter in that department. 

Apple Cider Slushees Orchard

We took our drinks and got onto the hayride to get to both the corn maze and pumpkin patch. It was a nice ride, a bit dusty, but it was a pretty windy day and that can't be helped.

Hayride Pick-up Sign Orchard

Family Hayride Orchard

When we got to the corn maze, there were a regular corn maze and a children's corn maze. My sister and I did both and we got lost in the children's one and ended up coming out the entrance of the adult one. Not sure how that happened, but it was a confusing and fun experience. It would be even better in the dark, so it would be a bit spookier. Not that Justin didn't try and *cough*succeed*cough*.

Corn Maze Entrance Sign Orchard

Corn Maze Orchard

Here's my sister pretending to be afraid. I'm impressed. I attempted to do a scary one and it did not end up on this post, haha.

Girl Corn Maze Orchard

Then there was a slide while we waited for the next hayride to come around. Yes, we went on it. Yes, I know this time, for sure, another mother with a child judged me. And yes, I may have cared. But, it's better than living with the regret of not having gone down it. So, I did it and I don't regret it.

Combine Slide Orchard

Finally, onto the main event: PUMPKINS! We took the hayride down to the big pumpkin patch and searched to find the perfect ones. There were so many choices, but we finally decided on a few that would be perfect for carving or cute enough to just sit about on their own.

Pumpkin Patch Orchard

Below you can see all the pumpkins and gourds we collected. The pumpkin sitting on top of all the others is the one I picked. I named him Clark and loved him too much to carve, so he sits on my balcony like the little prince he is. Hm, too much?

Plus, we just had to get some cider donuts and apple cider! Both delicious!

Pumpkin Gourds Orchard

I was impressed how much detail and work seemed to be put into this place since it's located in such a small town. I had driven past the orchard a few weeks ago, however, and it was packed! Plus the day was a bit nicer than when we attended. But, some good luck was thrown our way and it didn't start to sprinkle until we were loading everything into the car to head home.

I had such a fun time alongside with good company. I'm really glad we decided to go to an orchard. It was the perfect fall experience and even though we're adults now, we can still have some fun times, too.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Growing up in a Grimm World

Growing Up Grimm World

The teaser trailer for Beauty and the Beast just released, and of course, I was excited. Ecstatic even. I mean, to be completely honest, there was a mix of feelings. I love Disney and was raised watching it. Beauty and the Beast was always my favorite followed by The Little Mermaid and Aladdin. But, with all these live action movies coming out, I had convinced myself that I would be Belle. (Yes, that was unreasonable thinking. I knew it. I just didn't want to believe it.) Let's be real, Emma Watson is going to do a way better job than I could ever do.

Then it got me to thinking- Why are fairy tales so important to many of us? Is this leading to unrealistic expectations about life? In what way? (And so falling in the black hole began.)

Let's take a step back and ask what it would be like if children grew up on Grimm instead of Disney?

The Brothers (Jacob and Wilhelm) Grimm compiled and wrote down the tales that they heard, which became Grimm's Fairy Tales, which some have been adapted to become cleaner versions of our beloved fairy tales we grew up on.

So, what do we think and what can we learn from these fairy tales? I decided to go over just three of them. If I went through each Grimm tale that became a Disney movie, we would be here all day.

SNOW WHITE (Little Snow-White)-
Snow White
My beautiful sister donning her old Snow White Halloween costume for me.

Snow White is a classic. Not one of my top favorites, but still good. *cough* My sister's favorite and she had the costume to match. *cough*

I feel like the Disney version and Grimm's version are very similar. Grimm's is less about the dwarves and more about the fact that Little Snow-White is way too trusting. To be honest, a pretty good lesson to know. To continue:

  • I wish I had animals who helped me clean.
  • I wish I liked cleaning in general.
  • Men will flock to you if you just sing. And vice versa.
  • Dancing can always make you feel better.
  • A kiss will bring you back from death.
  • Always be hopeful.
  • Sometimes one has to go to the end of the world to find their love.
  • Why does a dwarf have a bed that's too long for Little Snow-White?
  • Friends can come quickly and in many forms.
  • I eat human hearts! -Queen
  • It took you three times to kill her properly and you didn't even succeed then.
  • How can you make only half an apple poisonous?
  • You can still wake up after choking to death on a poisoned apple.
  • She decides to be with a man who wanted to watch after her beautiful, dead body.
  • Revenge is sweet in the form of iron hot slippers.
Grimm Snow White
A Grimm version of Snow White.

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (The Singing, Soaring Lark [The Lady & The Lion])-
As I mentioned before, my favorite!
I had never read the Grimm version before and I think I prefer it to Disney's adaptation. It was a true love story about never giving up on your true love and believing in them and I was like, "WOW."

  • Even after arguing, your father will let you take his place.
  • But, maybe a huge castle will make you feel better.
  • Hospitality is key.
  • Belle's two elder sisters didn't matter to even be a part of this.
  • "Control your temper." -Mrs. Potts and Lumiere
  • Sometimes love takes time.
  • Friends can give good advice that should be taken.
  • Maybe when somebody tells you to stay out of the west wing, you stay out of it.
  • Don't judge a book by its cover. (Sometimes a witch will change you to look like your monstrous insides, however).
  • But, that doesn't mean that people can't change.
  • Harming your enemies is pointless. 

  • No matter how much your father loves you, he will throw you to the lions, literally.
  • Maybe don't ask your dad to bring you back a bird that's hard to find. 
  • Being lion by day and man by night didn't stop their love from blooming.
  • He risked being turned into a dove to attend her sister's wedding-and then turned into a dove.
  • Their love was so strong that she followed this dove for seven years.
  • Never give up.
  • Always look out for deception.
  • Sometimes things aren't as they seem.
Grimm Belle Beauty and the Beast
A Grimm version of Belle. (Photo taken by Snow White)

This is one of the more recent Disney adaptations that have come out. I mean, it was 2010...but it feels like just yesterday. That makes me feel old.. Both versions of this show true love in a fairy tale at its finest.

  • That's some magical hair!
  • People can be selfish and covet that which isn't their's.
  • Adults can lie.
  • A frying pan can make a good weapon, if needed.
  • Everybody has dreams.
  • Some parents will never stop trying to find their child.
  • Sometimes priorities change for the better.
  • Never stop fighting for the one you love.
  • All for woman empowerment!
  • True love can be seen in the form of sacrificing oneself (which shouldn't be taken lightly).

  • Like in Beauty and the Beast, your dad will make a deal that you weren't a part of.
  • Why exile your "daughter" to the desert?
  • Watch out for thorns.
  • Sometimes you have to go through a lot, before finding your happy ending.
  • Even through all the setbacks, true love will always find each other.

So, all around I saw that violence is a lot more cruel and brutal in the Grimm version. Now, I would say it isn't that bad from what children watch nowadays. Then we can get into the whole controversy about desensitization and whatnot. Maybe another time. This is supposed to be fun!

What we all learned from Disney? That singing is the way to anybody's heart, obviously.

But, in all seriousness, a lot can be learned from both Disney and Grimm. Different lessons can be learned from each version. I was looking into whether it would be better for kids to be reading Grimm rather than watching Disney. But, in all honesty, I think incorporating both could be beneficial. It's fun, romantic, and there's so much to learn-even if some of it is silly!

Here's to Happily Ever Afters!


Sunday, May 22, 2016

11 Date Ideas for the Common Homebody

Date Ideas Common Homebody

Homebody. I feel like this has negative connotations to it, but I personally love just being at home, whether by myself or with others. Sure, I love going on adventures and going to new places. However, sometimes you just don't want to leave the house or you want to be cheap (cheap is good).

The list below is meant for couples, but they can be adjusted for single people to do by themselves or even with friends. So, let us begin!

Starting with the obvious ones:

1. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, or any others of the sort-

    Sometimes you just want to cuddle up on the couch with your beau and watch that television show you've been marathoning for the past week, or you want to try to tick one more movie off your never-ending queue. It's just nice to sit, relax, and enjoy each other's company without trying too hard. And doesn't that sound lovely? Especially if you add a glass-or two-of white or red wine.

2. The Movie Theater Experience-

    I mean, this could potentially be clumped in with number one, but let's just go with it. 
Can we talk about how expensive it is to go to the movies? I mean, ticket prices can get pretty pricey, especially on the weekends. But, if you want to add popcorn, drinks, and candy-that can rack up the price a little high for comfort. 
    So, why not just pick up a Redbox on the way home, stop at your local video store, or even watch that movie you got for Christmas five months ago and still haven't taken off the plastic wrapping? It's cheaper and you get to sit in the comfort of your own home. You can even pop over to the store and get popcorn, drinks, and movie theater candy for way, way cheaper.
Plus, who doesn't like the ability to pause for a bathroom break instead of regretting drinking that whole 32 oz. of pop when the movie isn't close to being over?

3. Romantic Dinner-

    With this, I mean, a good Chinese takeout, pizza delivery, or both(#nojudgment here). Don't like either? What's wrong with you? Just kidding! There's always a fast food pick-up on the way home or some healthier option! It's up to you! This gives you time to enjoy each other's company without the hassle of making dinner and worrying about dishes afterwards! And yes, this can be romantic, you don't need candles for this, but they can be incorporated if you so desire. Oh, and another chance for some wine if you want it! (I do!)
Pepperoni Pizza Date Night
A beautiful pepperoni pizza from Little Caesar's that I bought as an excuse for
 a photo!

4. Napping-

    This may be more of a daytime date, but if you want to take a nap before bed, go for it! There are many statistics on napping, and many people are saying that naps may be beneficial. The National Sleep Foundation says, napping can "improve mood, alertness and performance." On the other hand,  Mayo Clinic website says napping can go either way depending on how it's approached. Sometimes you just need a good nap and why not make a date of it? Cuddle up together and napping might making you feel closer to one another (not just literally).

5. Board Games-

    This may be a little tricky for some people-me and all the other competitive types out there. However, if you aren't a sore loser like me, the board game world is available to you. For us others, we have to pick and choose what's safe to move forward with. It may also depend on your date or how strong your relationship is to be able to handle these tremendous tribulations. I wish you luck!

    Games that people may want to be careful around: Monopoly and Sorry!

Monopoly Pre-Date Night

Potential after:
Monopoly Date Night

                                I'm just joking...maybe.

    Games that may be a bit more safe: Clue (which is a bit difficult for two people), Scrabble, Battleship, Guess Who? (Do people still play that? I loved it as a kid!), Chess, Checkers and maybe Candy Land or Chutes and Ladders (games specified for kids can get intense).

6. Video Games-

    This can also be tricky, like board games. It's less likely that things will get thrown around, but I'm sure it happens, which can be a bit more damaging than throwing a board. People can also get angry, so depending on the people- it may be best to play a more tame game. However, there are a variety of games to play and it's a good way to connect and do something together. 

7. Cooking Together-

    Option 1: This can be a cute activity to do together where you pick out a recipe, go out and buy ingredients, and then work together towards an end product. A go to recipe for me is always pasta, you can't go wrong!


    Option 2: Make a competition out of it! It feels like at this point, I'm asking for people to fight, but I swear, it can be enjoyable! Who doesn't love cooking shows? Play a variation of the show Chopped and give each other ingredients (different or the same) they have to use to see who can make the better dish. It may end in a horribly tasting mess, but you'll still have fun doing it.

8. Puzzles!

    Puzzles are a good activity for couples. It gives people a chance to work together towards a final goal. You don't need to be completely focused on it, so it gives a chance for conversation and just a chill atmosphere.

9. Read a book-

    Just reading a book together can be relaxing and enjoyable. You could even take on character voices and make a play out of it (well, you could even read a play together). If you had both been meaning to read a specific book, why not do it together? Or if you don't want to read it together, you could always read it separately and then discuss it over coffee like a book club. Whatever works for you.

10. Poetry Slam-

    With this, you can do performances for one another inside the comfort of your own home. This can be done seriously with thought out poetry. Couples could also joke around with it and do improv. They could be given a subject or have to take a topic/word out of a hat and make up something on the spot for kicks and giggles. This can also be adapted for other performances and not just poetry. Just have fun with it!

Now, if we're getting a little risky-
11. Late Night Walk-

    So, maybe you didn't want to leave the house for a date because you wanted to be lazy or didn't want to have to deal with other people (besides your date). But, I love walking at night. Depending on where you live, you may see a few people out or even no one.
Red SuperMoon
Red SuperMoon from last September!
    a) It can be your exercise for the day or to just get some fresh air for a few minutes. b) It can also be a way to tell your parents or friends-'See, I do leave the house.' or c) Walking in the dark alone together can feel very intimate. Sometimes it's nice for a change of scenery, especially with a full moon and a sky full of stars (will also depend on the season and location, as well).

CAUTION; Please be careful when doing something such as this. If you decide to walk on a gravel road or somewhere where there are cars and other motor vehicles, please make sure that they can see you. Safety first!

I hope you enjoyed these ideas and get some use out of them! What kind of dates do you like to have at home?



Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I have made the leap!

There comes a point in your life where you need to make some decisions-possibly life-changing ones at that. One can always hope, anyway!

I have decided to make a new blog. I had one previously, but I'm determined to make this one work. It's been a year since I have graduated from college and I feel like my life is at a standstill. To push me further, I have decided to make some changes.
You may ask-why would blogging be a part of this process?
Well, I have always been interested in writing. I was a part of the campus newspaper in college and I even minored in English. However, I don't think I was ever really satisfied in what I was writing. I wanted to be the one to pick the topic and actually write something that interests me.

The problem: I have too many interests.

However, with this line of thought, I think others must feel this way.

So, why do I want to blog?
I think it will give me the freedom to write about anything and everything. I think that since I don't want to be in a specific niche, then others may want to read what I have to write about.
I'm jealous of the people who can stick to one topic and always have something new to write about in their specific niche, but I don't think I can do it. I do, however, need to find some focus.

Cue: new journey. Maybe I will find myself - down the road - heading towards a specific direction, but for now it's going to be experimental. This is why I'm glad that I have made the leap and joined Blog Boss Babe! I'm hopeful I will get the help and community I need to make this blog the best I can that people will want to read! I just want to give a shoutout to Helene @heleneinbetween who has made this possible!

I promise my next blog will have more visuals and my webpage will be more on point!

See you soon!

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